Learning about babies’ microbiotics during an educational and fun visit at the R&I Center of Danone Nutricia.
Danone Nutricia wants to create awareness about what kind of nutrition is good and less good for babies’ health. To do so, we organized an educational visit to their Research & Innovation center in Utrecht last April. Together with a selection of Belgian and Dutch mommy bloggers, we had the chance to learn all about babies’ microbiotics and immune systems.
The scientific part of the visit was taken care of by the Nutricia experts, we took care of all other practicalities. We decorated the room with some scientific, yet cool and instagrammable gadgets and our photographer made sure the influencers had some beautiful pictures to use on their social media channels. Lastly, they also got a goodie bag to take home, including a branded tote bag, a cute bib for their little one and some extra information about babies’ nutrition and health.