awareness campaign - Omnichannel communication
To explain the symptoms of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) – a group of rare diseases – and raise awareness about it within the target group of (young) parents, we created a podcast, website and materials for Key Opinion Leaders, and worked with social media influencers.
On the 15th of May, it’s International MPS Day. MPS is a group of rare diseases, which affects 1 out of 25.000 babies worldwide. As these diseases are rare and affect children, it’s a delicate topic to communicate about. However, communication about it is necessary. To achieve that, we had an idea to sensibilize (young) parents, without creating fear or negative feelings. This resulted in the campaign: – There are several symptoms which can indicate MPS. Each symptom separately is common with children (ear infections, a runny nose…), but when several symptoms occur frequently and together, the advice is to consult a (neuro)pediater. Therefor a puzzle and a piece of the puzzle was our visualization of MPS.
We informed Key Opinion Leaders and patient organisations before the public launch of the campaign, and created a website in NL and FR with all the relevant information. We also provided social media files that people could download and share.
More than 15 NL and FR influencers supported the campaign and posted stories (with swipe-up to the website) on the 14th and 15th of May. The potential reach was more than 2.6 million, with an engagement rate of almost 10%.
Next to the awareness campaign on social media, we published an article on the platforms of and Mamans.Femmes d’aujourd’hui to reach out to young parents. A podcast with an expert was the cherry on the cake for the collaboration with Mamabaas.
In the end, we managed to translate a difficult, delicate message into an accessible and understandable story, thanks to the visual execution.