
AXE, Anything is possible when you smell good!

To highlight the AXE fragrances we worked together with 10 male influencers. Goal was to excite Gen-Z about the new AXE fragrances and renewed lifestyle. For this we rolled out a campaign on Instagram and TikTok.

Story line: anything is possible when you smell good, thanks to the next AXE effect. The new AXE effect is empowering, strong, fresh, funny, connecting,..

We made sure the influencers had enough AXE and goodies to make a new empowering, yet funny look for themselves, since you just need AXE to get that power boost.

With this small group of influencers who target mostly male consumers in the perfect age demographic, we reached 790.042 people with a very strong engagement rate of 12%! Resulting in a beautiful 181,8% ROI for our happy client.